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Scientists find new clue to life on Mars

"A vast, dust-covered ocean of ice is the most likely place to discover life on Mars, according to a team of British scientists."

Category: Space


US climate scientists pressured on climate change

"US scientists were pressured to tailor their reports on global warming to fit the Bush administration's climate change scepticism, a congressional committee heard on Tuesday 30 January. In some cases, this occurred at the...

Category: Climate Change


Ray gun brings some zap to the battlefield

"The ray gun, which is supposed to be harmless, is designed to make people feel they are about to catch fire and drop their weapons."

Category: Weapons


Energy roadmap backs renewables

"Half of the world's energy needs in 2050 could be met by renewables and improved efficiency, a study claims."


US military looks to 'black ice'

"The US military has appealed to scientists to help develop a novel weapon - artificial black ice."

Category: Weapons

Displaying results 2936 to 2940 out of 2977